Calibration Services

Instructions For Returning A Koslow Instrument For Calibration

We appreciate your confidence in Koslow test kits.   We recommend an annual factory calibration. 

 If you provide:

  1. Pack your kit, with all its parts, in a well-cushioned corrugated carton.  
  2. Include the case and all the parts, including the Daily Qualification Standard (one-inch square metal sheet).
  3. Include your contact information with the shipment: name, Phone, and Email. 
  4. Include a note with comments to our technicians.  We appreciate any technical observations that may help our technicians service your equipment.
  5. Don’t send a payment or purchase order yet!  
  6. We expect to service equipment that is reasonably used.  For the safety of our personnel, please clean unsanitary equipment before submission. If objectionable surface materials are found, the kit may be removed from our labs and shipped back to the owner without work performed.
  7. Ship your kit complete to the address below. Include Return Authorization Number for the outside of the shipping carton:  RMA 1113-68

Koslow Scientific Company

Attn: Calibration Dept.  RMA 1113-68

172 Walkers Lane

Englewood, NJ 07631 USA


We will provide:

1.     We will generate a factory Certificate of Calibration. This includes: electronics verification traceable to N.I.S.T. standards, “As Found” before data and “As Left” after data.

2.     A maintenance checklist to keep the consumables fresh for another whole year. With the suggested option to remedy missing or damaged parts.

3.     In the course of calibration, if a repair is necessary for the completion of the calibration, we will add cost to the formal quotation.

4.     You will be notified by email with a formal quotation within three business days.

5.     Equipment abandoned at our location more significant than 60 days will be disposed of.

6.     We thank you for the opportunity to serve you.



A Note From Koslow Scientific Company’s Calibration Department

We provide NIST traceability by using a certified lab to verify our standards and measurement test equipment. 

Koslow Scientific Company is the most qualified to calibrate your equipment because we can also perform repair work,  maintenance (some electrochemical) and replenish parts missing from the kit.  We do not know of a lab that does this kind of work.

We are a manufacturing company.  We only provide calibration services for the equipment we manufacture at this facility. Our customers accept our Certificate of Calibration not because we are an accredited lab, but because we are the actual manufacture of the equipment.   Companies should review their quality manual and policies to learn if this will meet their internal requirements.  NIST does not calibrate our instrumentation.  We use an accredited lab using NIST traceable equipment.   We claim that our calibrations are traceable to NIST.  

Upon request, we will send a “blank” certificate of calibration for your review.